C++ files should be save with .cpp extension

C++ program start by first running the main function, so let’s add

int main()




Let’s make it proper function

int main()


    return 0;


To print something on the screen we using

std::cout << “”;

But to use this we need to include the iostream file first, so let’s add it using following code

#include <iostream>

Now let’s add your message inside the double quotes

std::cout << “Welcome to C++!”;

Now let’s add a line break after the message

std::cout << “Welcome to C++!” << std::endl;

This will break the current line and move the cursor to the beginning of new line

Now you can add a line a code before the main function to avoid using std::

using namespace std;

Final code

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main()


cout << “Welcome to C++!” << endl;

return 0;



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